Welcome to my digital writing journal, or mydigitalclutter. What started as a family blog almost two years ago has morphed into my writing therapy. This is where I do a lot of free writing, mostly about my life with my family and the things that catch my interest. While nowhere even close to perfect, in each post I like to see how my writing is changing with time and practice. Most posts are left unedited for this reason, so if you don't mind, take the journey with me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Heartland Military Museum

On our way home from Kansas last week, we stopped in a small town in Nebraska at a military vehicle museum.  My boys loved it!  Of course, Abbie was intrigued as well.  Daniel has a military history in his family, where his grandfather was killed in World War II and his younger brother is currently serving in Iraq.  There was a wall where we could honor current soldiers with a yellow ribbon and a card.  Daniel put his brother's name on the wall with a little note to him.  I added the picture to my Facebook account, so he could see it....just in case he didn't get here!  

We had a fun time looking at all the vehicles and there were even a couple that we could climb around in!  I think Daniel has unfulfilled desires of becoming a helicopter pilot!
The kids really liked everything.  Nigel kept asking if things were like M*A*S*H.  For everyone who knows our family....this classic TV show is a big deal.  We have the entire series on DVD.  The vehicles certainly felt like we were in the show!

Dan is at class tonight, so we are by ourselves.  The kids are ready for bed and we are just hanging out, watching TV.  We are pretty quiet.  The week is somewhat busy, because I am taking pictures of a friend of mine, with her family on Friday and then Saturday we will spend the biggest part of the day at the church house for a primary party and bar-b-que for the elder's quorum.  It will be fun!  Somewhere in there I have to make potato salad!

Have a good one!

1 Lovely Scribbles to Me:

Tonya Joy said...

Doesn't Target have a pretty good potato salad???

Hope your busy week doesn't get too much for you!

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