Have you ever just been so busy in life that when you are forced to take a breath, you realize that while you have been running on the hamster wheel of life, everyone else is taking a leisurely stroll, and making more progress than you? That is how I've been feeling lately. Today, I took some time to work on my horrible housekeeping skills (i.e. cleaning the sadly neglected bathroom) and it gave me time to think and reflect. I need to slow down! Is there a reason I need to feel like if I don't write a thousand words a day, I am not making progress towards anything related to writing? Is there a reason why I can't take a minute to jot down a few ideas and call it good?
What a conundrum. All I can say is that I have friends and family going through a lot right now and I haven't been as attentive as I should, because my "dreams" are filling up more space than they ought. One of my "dreams" is to have balance. So, how ironic is it that another of my dreams is causing that one to shift precariously to the side?
So, today my bathroom is clean, most of my laundry is done, and I've even managed to do some scrapbooking on my computer. All the writing I'm doing, is a very quick blog post, and I'm calling it good. Feels a little weird, but at least I wrote something!
2 Lovely Scribbles to Me:
You need to read "Plain and Simple - A Woman's Journey to the Amish." (he he he, just kidding). No really though, I have been fascianted with the Amish for a long time now!
I just read a passage from a literary agent the other day. He said in writing to never neglect family or friends, unless you don't love them (lol).
Reading that wrenched me back to reality: I'm a mom & wife 100% of the time and a writer (still) around the edges of that. I don't want to lose these precious years with my young children because my mind is always in my writing. I don't want to be resentful. I want to love it all: the mothering, the house cleaning, the writing (when there's time).
Also, about the hamster wheel...I haven't been sleeping right for months. I was getting 6-7 hrs of sleep a night, trying to stay up and write. It was killing me and eroding my family relationships. Now that it's summer I'm sleeping 8+ hrs a night and guess what? I feel normal!
Hugs, love ya, we'll figure out this thing called life & mothering & writing, right? ;)
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